Throughout his life Carrillo also lied about his qualifications, which proved lucrative for him, and is the greater offense. He's not the first person to invent qualifications or an ethnic identity. Apparently no learnings by employers or his publisher (albeit, he only had one minor, and by the sound of it, not very good book). Does no one do due diligence?

Villagegate wasn't interesting, despite the threat of the title.

Good talk was not a good talk (and I listened, rather than read, because that seemed appropriate).

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Going by "Personal News," maybe if you keep at this for 21 years you too may be featured in a Talk of the Town!

Glad to see Lepore again writing the type of piece that might have appeared in her Mansion of Happiness collection from 11 years ago. This is my favorite of her style. Also glad to hear that she's apparently beating cancer (not something I think I had been aware of until the somewhat throwaway line in this piece).

I often like Oyler (including Fake Accounts which is seems everyone hated because it wasn't No One Is Talking About This) but this review was too boring for me to finish. It's interesting the point about commenting on translation. Should this be a skill we expect every reviewer to have? As a reader of a decent number of things in translation but being a monoglot myself, it always amazes me how often reviews of these works make some comment on the original language prose.

I thought the caterpillar piece was fun and shed some light on the many parts of the natural world that are both insanely deep/complex and very undercovered in popular discourse and academia.

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I believe the cancer line is her quoting a "Melissa" in a seed catalogue update, unless I missed a line.

I don't necessarily need the reviewer to have read the work in its original language, but in lieu of that, they should interview the translator (or even just... talk to someone that's read it in the original language) and at least try to get a sense of what the approach was. Maybe Oyler did do that and it just didn't make the piece, but I'd have liked to see it included.

The caterpillar parts of the caterpillar piece were fun! Too much other material for my liking. Every time we cut back to Wagner I got bored.

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Ha, that's what I get for not reading the Lepore piece closely enough!

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