Think Scotch-bonnet peppers!
Thank you for articulating my dislike of invader's art. "I could forgive that if the work was genius, but it strikes me as totally vacant, mainly a branding exercise." Damien Hirst plays himself.
And re: Gopnik’s weird attempt, an essay I love on what makes something funny from Chris Bachelder:
Related--Michael Hoffman, who was my professor when I got my MFA, on Amis’ Zone of Interest, the loose basis for the film:,and%20diligent%20if%20sketchy%20plotting.
Damien Hirst, lol
Thank you for articulating my dislike of invader's art. "I could forgive that if the work was genius, but it strikes me as totally vacant, mainly a branding exercise." Damien Hirst plays himself.
And re: Gopnik’s weird attempt, an essay I love on what makes something funny from Chris Bachelder:
Related--Michael Hoffman, who was my professor when I got my MFA, on Amis’ Zone of Interest, the loose basis for the film:,and%20diligent%20if%20sketchy%20plotting.
Damien Hirst, lol