Thank you for articulating my dislike of invader's art. "I could forgive that if the work was genius, but it strikes me as totally vacant, mainly a branding exercise." Damien Hirst plays himself.

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And re: Gopnik’s weird attempt, an essay I love on what makes something funny from Chris Bachelder:


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Related--Michael Hoffman, who was my professor when I got my MFA, on Amis’ Zone of Interest, the loose basis for the film:


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Damien Hirst, lol

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It’s been more than 50 years since I studied criminal law, but my recollection is that the corollary to the felony/murder rule was the misdemeanor/manslaughter rule. I did not read the article closely, but saw no mention of that concerning Baxter. Strikes me that misdemeanor/manslaughter was the proper charge, if it had to be one or the other. But laws vary from state to state, so maybe that wasn’t available to the prosecutor. What happened to George Floyd is termed murder in Minnesota but in most states it would be manslaughter. Same crime, different & misleading name. And then there’s the usual question concerning what we are not being told...

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